21 November 2009

So called "sam-isms"

I love these. I don't actually know who wrote them, but they help remind me of biblical truths. the original version is pretty funny...
these are excerpts from 100 points.

The Bible isn't a story of history or of religion or of ethics or of morals or of philosophy; it is a story of great love, which we have been entrusted to retell so that others will know. But people don't believe in love anymore, so we can't just re-tell it now, we've got to prove it: love each other.

Love- When you think of love, you might think be thinking of this- a single, solitary rose, cut low to make a long stem, naked of any of prickly thorns or unattractive branches, placed somewhere else to be a temporary symbol of romance and love until it withers and dies. This is how love is packaged in our world- pretty, painless, but also estranged, and soon to die, and thus always needing to be replaced by new flowers.

So I invite you to consider the rosebush- somewhat ugly and growing amidst weeds and fertilizers; the flowers don't bloom as beautiful as when they are trimmed- but the loving Gardener comes to care for the rosebush where it grows, even amongst the stench of fertilizers; although bloodied by the pricks of the very thorns He is trimming, continues painstakingly to cut away ugly branches amidst hostile thorns so that the flowers can bloom and flourish. Beautiful and painful, perhaps beautifully painful; not estranged, but amidst; and never to die, for the Gardener gives it life.

Be yourself. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. There are aspects to you that are unique and beautiful in their own rite. Do not make efforts to fit in, or to conform, but allow yourself to be. Approval and popularity aren't necessary; rather, make your character outstanding.

We live in a generation of victimization; according to society, nothing is ever our fault, we are victims to it. We are victims to obesity, victims to depression, victims of oppression, victims to just about everything. I say, if you are a victim of oppression, break free. If you are depressed, be happy. You are not a victim of circumstances, you are the maker of them. You live in the circumstances you create, so take control of your life.

Life is a gift- cherish it.

Practice self-control because it is a test of your character. Patience is a virtue. Learn also to persevere through struggles, and learn to sacrifice yourself for what is good. Be noble always and do what is right. Be true to yourself, and do not compromise what you most believe in. Be precise in your decisions. Be smart and also be wise. Amongst the quick and the dead, be quick. Be slow to judge others, but do not hesitate to judge yourself so that you can improve. Stand tall, but do not be proud. Learn to trust, but learn also to be trustworthy. Be faithful and have faith. Remember life is not about simply being alive. Love with everything you have. Seek God always. This is what makes a man.

Be faithful. Be beautiful, in your speech and in your conduct. Learn to submit yourself at times for the greater good. Practice fidelity, and do not give to many what should be reserved for one. Be open-minded and do not be stubborn. Do not be selfish, but always seek to give. Improve yourself always. Appreciate the little things but be wary of the larger picture. Be genuine. Do not slander or gossip. Be sophisticated and smart, classy and charming. Love unconditionally. Seek God always. This is what makes a woman.