27 February 2011

22 February 2011

A Reversed Reality

Often times I forget about how things work in God's reality. In my forgetfulness, I wander off into thoughts like these:

I become more influential and useful by how many skills/much experience I have.
I receive what I deserve by how hard and how much I work.
I find solutions to situations by searching my mind and engaging it.

And somehow these things sound completely legitimate---but it's only a matter of time until--Thank God--I realize how hopeless life would be if these things were true.

The voice of Wisdom calls out to teach and remind me of what is truth and what is life. (Proverbs 8:12, John 14:26) Many times I am alarmed by how it violates my sense of what is natural.

We rise by being low.
When I put my own efforts into exalting myself (even in the name of Christ) it is all in vain.

We gain by giving.
Regardless of how many hours I work or how diligent I do it, God is the one who provides for me, and gives me good things.

We live by dying.
My own efforts to problem solve to move forward and find a happier or fuller life are also meaningless. Whole surrender to Christ is the sole life-giving and all satisfying solution.

My prayer is for those of us who are followers of Jesus to remember that the Kingdom of God is our reality. A stunningly beautiful reality where God walks with us.. and he not only walks with us, but walks us through the ugly stuff and even leads us where we should go next.

08 February 2011


three glorious words that are nearly synonymous with God is faithful. tuition payment has been a long, frustrating, tear inducing ordeal, but it is finally over. THANK YOU, Jesus. I strongly believe that God was simply waiting for me to be real with the situation and go to my knees in prayer.

Psalm 66:19
But certainly God has heard me;
He has attended to the voice of my prayer.

Praise God :)

07 February 2011

Jesus, Your name brings me to my knees. I don't deserve to be happy, but You promise me joy. I don't deserve to be comfortable, but You promise me riches. You're so forgiving, so inspiring, so wonderful. I confess who you are again this morning: Messiah who came and saved the world, Healer of all infirmities, Lover of my soul, Dweller of my heart. Forgive me for entertaining sinful thoughts and losing sight of Your hope, Your hands, and Your love. Reveal to us, Your children, the riches of the kingdom that we have already received: strengths, talents, blessings of financial matters--health--faith--relationships. Thank You for who You are...