27 July 2009

Cheers to quick recovery(-ies)

my skin seems to be recovering. a morale booster. the apartment is surprisingly cooler than I anticipated. the shade is down so that the sun only streams in from the edges of the window, and the heat feels kinda nice. slight breeze from where I'm sitting. construction being done outside my building. rumbly and loud. wondering if it's common to enjoy drinking hot tea on a hot day. something about hot beverages adds some romance to life. hehe. decided to pull the reigns on my recklessness as of late, consumption wise (monetarily, food too). woke up at 6:30AM. rare. have lots of thoughts these days... will record later. time to get ready for class. :]

1:29PM edit. unorthodoxly sleepy. hardly kept my eyes open during class today. contemplating taking a nap here at the library. library is in some kind of funk these days due to the relocating of the computer lab. still sleepy. contemplating consumption of caffeine. to the left the window frames ripples of the Charles river. there must be a boat somewhere. found out that BU used to own the property all the way to the river, until the state of Massachusetts decided they wanted to construct Storrow dr. and took the rights to it or something. interesting bit of history about my school. wondering if this style of writing has turned away readers. I happen to enjoy the way it reads, like breaths. each breath containing another statement of expression (or documentation). 

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