25 May 2009

the beginning of a new relationship.

hello to living again!
it might sound strange, but I felt like I've been kind of dead and lifeless for a while now (some odd months or so). I can confidently claim that today the curse was broken :] YEAH!! I just want to shout and run around and jump all over the place because I feel alive again. LIVING life and living life free.
good segue opportunity here! so I somehow stumbled across this blog that I really love reading and it's made a big impact on some of my thoughts as of late. It's the website I quoted in the previous entry (jasonsalamun.com). that man is an annointed writer fo(r) SHO. he says it so simply and yet it's so profound and it's great that he can put it in words the way he does. his blog is named "live free"... I love that. after some more thought I'm going to rename my blog too, I think. or give it an actual name.

so what is all this about the beginning of new relationships? you're curious right? first relationship that I'm choosing to "restart" is this! this blog, that is..!

if you haven't noticed, (you probably haven't if you're even reading this because I don't really publicize my blog very often so I don't have many readers) I don't make posts very regularly on this blog. would you like to know the reason why? the reason why is because I edit too much. it will take me hours upon hours to come up with one post. and after fleshing out the very thing I wanted to say in the words that I thought were most appropriate, I read over it another dozen of times and I realize that I don't want to expose my personal thoughts/ideas on the blog afterall. result? many, many deleted posts.
so there have been multiple posts that have been made on this blog that probably never made it to the eyes of other readers simply because I was too paranoid/uncomfortable keeping it posted for longer than a few hours or even a day. silly right? 
I have come to an understanding that this is not healthy at all! I love blogging, and it shouldn't be so frustrating and uncomfortable and nerve wrecking to do so! this is a free space me for me to share my thoughts without worry or care and here I am making it worrisome for no good reason. 
now I know that I feel free to write casually because this is a blog right? not a book. it's a blog. it's raw and it's exciting.
so I'm going to start a new relationship with my blog here at eyc-original.blogspot.com. I am going to try to commit to writing everyday, whether I have a truckload of things to say or not... to commit in this way and write a little something expressing myself. because it's good to express yourself. and let it all out instead of keeping it inside yeah??

I'm going to write more of my thoughts instead of simply posting things that I like from other people (always giving credit where credit is due). the name of the blog is eyc-original and yet I've cowered from sharing my own original thoughts! well.. that being said it's hard to have completely original thoughts because there is always something that you are influenced by.. but I suppose the way you interpret it kind of makes it your own original thought in a way perhaps? perhaps. 

there's another relationship that I feel like I'm having a brand new start to as well. and no, it's not with a mortal man...hahaha.. :) it's with Jesus Christ. so maybe it's a little strange to say it's a brand new start because it's not like I decided that I'm a follower of Christ just yesterday...but it feels new because I have a new understanding in how I feel about it and how to approach my faith and development of my faith. more on that later though :) because it's time to go! 

seek the truth- for the truth will set you free.

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