28 May 2009

fresh start


days like today are the kinds that give me hope for my future. I really do believe that I've left my laziness behind as I have started a number of things all fresh and new. I've committed to posting on this blog daily, I've started going to 6am morning prayer, I spent an hour doing miscellaneous activities at the gym, and hopefully later I'll dust off my cello and play a bit of music :) it's amazing how much I've done today already, and it's only 10:30AM!

I am a little sleepy at this point having been awake for 5 hours already...and I'm debating whether I should get a coffee or not. Dunkin Donuts is my favorite, but it's too far to work right now... I also need to go to the bank. once I bought a card for a friend and it was the cutest little card I've ever purchased. it had something to do with going to the bank. a very particular card that was. I think perhaps it was a shade of purple. which is my favorite color. I think.

speaking of favorites. I've discovered my favorite kinds of flowers... my two favorite kinds of flowers are sunflowers and daisies. at first I wasn't sure why--they kind of just attracted me the most.. but when I thought about it more I figured it out. on top of being just plain pretty, they're wild and free. and they have so much company. fields of daisies just sounds so dreamy--this is probably a result of watching the korean movie "daisy" (which I highly recommend btw)... and fields of sunflowers are just so warm and useful (to look at and to eat) and they remind me of the images framed inside the windows of the speeding marchutka buses in the kyrgyz countryside.

one day I want to get photographed playing in a field of flowers like that.

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